Detox For Beauty Blog

Think Skinny, Live FABulous!

How to do a salt water flush for your 3 day cleanse

The 90 Days to SKINNY Program is an important key to your success while on your weight-loss journey.  Before starting the program you must make sure that your body has a proper pH balance, and your digestive tract is primed and ready.  To achieve this you need to use one of the following:


Do one of these cleanses for 3 days prior to starting your 90 Days to SKINNY weight loss program.  Today, we will look at one of the least expensive ways to get started: The Salt Water Flush. This flush is a home remedy and can be performed for a little under $2! Take a look below for procedures and the recipe to get you going towards your 90 Days to Skinny victory!

A salt water flush is a simple procedure that requires the individual to utilize sea salt and water. The process is very simple and has a powerful effect. When beginning the process the individual will need to heat up a pan of clean filtered water. Two teaspoons of sea salt will then be added to the water. A few taste tests may be required to make certain that the water has a very salty flavor. Do not let the water boil as this will render the solution too hot to drink.

Once the mixture is heated to a reasonable level wherein it is hot but not dangerously so, the mixture should be poured into a glass and drunk quickly. After the water is consumed there are a two things the individual can do to speed up the process of cleansing. They can crouch down and massage their abdomen to help break up clumped fecal matter or they can perform vigorous abdominal exercise. Neither of these are necessary, but they do not hurt the process and may speed it up to a certain extent.
Depending on the individual’s unique body structure, how much salt was in the water, and other issues within the bowels themselves the process should take between fifteen minutes and two hours. At this point the salt water flush will cause the individual to undergo intense diarrhea. If this does not occur by the two hour mark then the solution will require more salt next time.
Salt Water Flush Recipe 
– 2 Tea spoons of Natural Sea Salt – Non- Iodized only!
– 32 oz. (1-quart) of room temperature or lukewarm water


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This entry was posted on June 13, 2012 by in Uncategorized.


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